Greece’s Diplomatic Activities Towards Türkiye in The Eastern Mediterranean
Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye, Greece, Foreign Policy, DiplomacyAbstract
This study examines the growing strategic importance of the Eastern Mediterranean, taking into account the energy resources that have been discovered in recent years and the policies pursued by Turkey and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean. In the context of this study, the actions undertaken by Greece in collaboration with other regional actors and global powers are examined, with a view to isolating Turkey and confining it to its territorial waters. In this context, an examination of the history of diplomacy and its significance is undertaken. Both countries have engaged in a range of diplomatic activities in order to defend their rights in the Eastern Mediterranean. In particular, Greece, with the support of the European Union member states and the United States, has demonstrated a disregard for the established rules of international law, instead pursuing a course of action aligned with its own interests. In contrast, Turkey has demonstrated a willingness to assert its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean by taking decisive action against Greece’s perceived illegal actions. These steps include obtaining the right to have a military navy and drill ships in the region with the agreement signed with the TRNC in 2011 and the signing of the Exclusive Economic Zone Agreement with Libya in 2019. Furthermore, Turkey demonstrates its commitment to protecting its rights by declaring NAVTEX and sending exploration and drilling vessels to the region.
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