The American Factor in Turkish-Soviet Relations During the Democrat Party Era (1950-1960)



The author of the book, Melih Aktaş, served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until 1981 and later continued his work as a lecturer at Gazi University. He currently holds the position of Head of Foreign Relations for the Democrat Party. While writing his book, “The American Factor in Turkish-Soviet Relations During the Democrat Party Era (1950-1960),” Aktaş employed an academic tone and maintained scholarly objectivity throughout. It is evident from the bibliography that the author utilized original source documents. These documents were sourced from the private archive of the late H. Basri Aktaş, who was Melih Aktaş’s father and had served as the secretary of the Democrat Party, Chief of the Prime Minister's Private Office, and a Member of Parliament for Kastamonu during the 10th and 11th terms.The first edition of “The American Factor in Turkish-Soviet Relations During the Democrat Party Era (1950-1960)” was published in 2006. The study had previously won first place in a thesis competition organized in 2005 by the Celal Bayar Foundation in Turkey to support original scientific research.


Aktaş, Melih. 1950-1960 Demokrat Parti Dönemi Türk-Sovyet İlişkilerinde Amerikan Faktörü. Ankara: Şema Yayınevi, 2006.



How to Cite

Durmuş, M. (2024). The American Factor in Turkish-Soviet Relations During the Democrat Party Era (1950-1960). US Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from



Book Review