Türkiye’s Energy Portfolio and Security of Supply in International Relations and Economics: Threats and Opportunities





Energy Policy, Energy Portfolio, Energy Security, Energy Supply


Today, energy is recognized as a key determinant of growth and development. The high growth targets set by countries have increased the demand for energy. The fact that energy resources are scarce and the resources that are available are likely to be depleted in the near future has left many countries with the problem of energy supply security.  The fact that fossil fuel types such as coal, oil and natural gas are non-renewable energy types has led to the emergence of projects to mobilize the existing potential of renewable energy resources that countries have against the threat of energy supply security.This study aims to address energy supply security, which has an important role in shaping the international relations of countries with other countries, and to make an assessment of energy supply security in the context of threats and opportunities in Türkiye. After the research, it was determined that Türkiye's high dependence on foreign energy resources such as oil, natural gas and coal creates a disadvantageous situation in terms of energy supply security and paves the way for significant vulnerabilities in both international politics and national economy. In this context, as an important regional actor, it is imperative for Türkiye to implement strategies to reduce external dependence on energy by building a domestic and national energy policy and to determine political constructs that will unleash its renewable energy potential and to be among the decision-makers in the formation of regional energy policies.


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How to Cite

EROĞLU, İlhan. (2023). Türkiye’s Energy Portfolio and Security of Supply in International Relations and Economics: Threats and Opportunities. US Journal, 1(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10431982