Publication Policy

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of International Politics are first subjected to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board in terms of compliance with the principles of the journal. Manuscripts that do not fall within the scope of the journal or do not comply with the format of a scientific article in terms of content and form are rejected without starting the refereeing process or some changes may be requested. After the evaluation of the editorial board, the article is forwarded to the Field Editor. Articles submitted in accordance with the publication rules of the US Journal are sent to two referees who are recognized for their work in that field for evaluation. US Journal uses a blind review system in the evaluation process. In cases deemed necessary during the evaluation process, the Editorial Board of the US Journal is consulted. Authors of the manuscripts submitted to the US Journal take into account the criticisms and suggestions of the referees and the Editorial Board. If there are issues they disagree with, they have the right to object with their justifications. In the peer review process of the US Journal, the editor normally completes the preliminary evaluation stage within a maximum of 10 days. The evaluation period of the referees is 20 days, and the author’s correction period is 20 days in case of a correction request. Under normal circumstances, the entire evaluation process of an article is expected to be completed within 50-55 days. However, due to the lack of timely feedback from the referees, the referee evaluation process may be prolonged due to reasons such as reappointment of referees, etc., or the article evaluation process may be shortened due to reasons such as the referee sending the report before the final evaluation date, the corrections required by the author to be completed in a short time. Author(s) submitting articles to the US Journal are deemed to have accepted the peer review conditions and processes of the journal. Rejected articles are not accepted for re-publication. The copyright of the accepted manuscripts is deemed to be transferred to the US Journal.

Review process

  • Upload of the article and required documents to the system by the author(s),
  • Preliminary editorial review (formal requirements, content appropriateness, ethical compliance review),
  • Review by language editors,
  • Process of assigning double-blind reviewers to eligible articles
  • Referee evaluation,
  • “Major Revision”, “Minor Revision”, “Reject”, “Accept” reports are uploaded into the system by the reviewers,
  • The rejected article is returned to the author with the reports,
  • Correction recommended articles should be reviewed and corrected by the author and re-uploaded to the system within 10 days (except for justified cases, if the paper is not uploaded within 10 days, the paper will be returned),
  • Accepted manuscript process:
    • Spelling and grammar check in Turkish and English (second submission of the manuscript to the language editor),
    • Sending the accepted articles to the author and requesting language and content review,
    • Obtaining the necessary feedback from the author,
    • Typesetting process,
    • Final reading,
    • Starting the publication process,
    • Final layout of the accepted article, obtaining a DOI number and uploading the PDF version to the system.