Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom



In history, Gaza, which achieved a state of peace during the time of Caliph Umar and has hosted numerous civilizations, stands as a key point in the Middle East due to its geopolitical significance and the belief that it is part of the promised land. In 1948, the year the State of Israel was established, conflicts erupted in the region, transforming the Middle East into a virtual theater stage for the entire world. Norman G. Finkelstein, a Jewish-American academic, political scientist, and courageous activist, has gone beyond being a mere spectator in this theater. His work focuses on the Israel-Palestine issue and the Holocaust. Defined as an anti-Zionist by the Jewish lobby and pro-Israel groups, he has faced various criticisms throughout his academic career. His book, originally published in 2018 under the title Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom, was translated into Turkish as Gazze: Şehadete Tanıklık by İz Publishing in 2024. Despite the complexity of the conceptual framework and theoretical foundations on which the discussions are based, the translators have successfully provided readers with a clear and comprehensible reading experience.


Finkelstein, Norman G. Gazze: Şehadete Tanıklık, İstanbul, İz Yayıncılık, 2024.



How to Cite

Çilingiroğlu Tüzer, S. (2024). Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom. US Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from



Book Review